Tarjeta de presentación Andrés



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(+57) 311 8725847
PBX: (+57) 3835661

Cra.69 # 31-22 sur,
Zona industrial Carvajal
(Bogotá, Colombia)


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Zerachem  – MQR SAS es una compañía dedicada a la fabricación de productos químicos en el área industrial y aditivos alimentarios, con capacidad de ofrecer materias primas que satisfacen las necesidades de nuestros clientes.
Para cumplir nuestra misión cuidamos de factores como:


Carrera 69C # 31-22 sur
Barrio Carvajal


8:00 am – 5:00 pm Lunes a Viernes
8:00 am – 12:00 pm Sábado

8:00 am – 5:00 pm Lunes a viernes


(57) 312 592 0108
 (57) 313 872 5847
PBX: (57) 7437434


Newslatter, Boletines, Blogs, gracias, newsroom


We help you choose the right raw material for your different processes. Always thinking about the quality of the final product.

Timely delivery

We have trusted suppliers that help us deliver our supplies in a timely manner to anywhere in the United States

Celular, inicio, home, Emulsión de silicona, gracias, Antiespumantes para alimentos

Quality guarantee

Our raw materials are developed with the highest quality standards, endorsed by regulatory bodies


Our company is based on social, environmental and economic commitment in order to transcend time.

We are a sustainable company because we think about environmental, social and economic axes, and we act so that our operation has the greatest positive impact on these three dimensions.

Our operation is based on respect for all living beings; based on the Desire, Conviction and Will to leave our children a better planet.


Mar Químicos SAS is dedicated to the production of chemical solutions in the industrial and food additive area. Our company has the capability to manufacture a wide range of chemical products to meet the diverse needs of our clients. We pride ourselves on offering high-quality raw materials that meet rigorous standards. Additionally, we are the creators and builders of the well-recognized brand in the market: Zerachem. This brand represents our dedication to excellence in the chemical industry. We work tirelessly to ensure customer satisfaction by providing reliable, quality solutions that drive their success in the market.


To provide products and services that improve the daily life of our value chain.


To be a social, environmental and corporate responsible company, responding to all the actors of our value chain, mitigating all the impacts that our operation generates, based on fair trade and the common well.


Respect for our operation with all living beings and the planet, based on the fact that our desire, conviction and will is to leave our children a habitable planet. to grow with passion demonstrating that small acts are not useless.

Emulsión de silicona, Contacto, Contáctanos, llámanos, Antiespumante,


Aiming to ensure continuous improvement of our processes and products, Mar Químicos SAS has been awarded the ISO 9001 Quality Certification. Thanks to the efforts of our dedicated team, the quality of our raw materials and the development of solid projects.

We are also committed to upholding our social, environmental and corporate responsibilities. Supporting all stakeholders within our value chain and establishing action plans to address the impacts generated by our operations.

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