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The scope of the quality management system includes the processes, collaborators, resources, infrastructure, suppliers and contractors required for the manufacture and commercialization of silicone oils, silicone emulsions, defoamers, and raw materials for the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and detergent industries, in compliance with current legislation.

Calidad, inicio, zerachem, materias prima


MQR S.A.S. in its operations of manufacturing and commercialization of silicone oils, silicone emulsions, defoamers, and raw materials for the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and detergent industries, is committed to implement, sustain and continuously improve the Quality Management System.  

The Organization is committed to guarantee and increase customer satisfaction and continuously improve its quality management system, providing practical, efficient and eco-friendly products, managing the risks and opportunities identified in its processes, to ensure that its management is focused on compliance with the requirements applicable to the organization and contribute to strengthening the social fabric of the community. To this end, it relies on a competent and qualified human talent, has adequate equipment and infrastructure and suitable suppliers.

In accordance with the aforementioned, we envisage the following Objectives:

  • To guarantee the continuous improvement of the quality management system, ensuring its suitability, adequacy and effectiveness, in order to guarantee customer satisfaction.
  • To increase Customer satisfaction by meeting their requirements and expectations.
  • Identify, evaluate and manage the different risks and opportunities existing in the processes, and establish the respective controls.
  • Comply with the legal, normative and regulatory requirements applicable to the Company.
  • To have the appropriate staff for the development of activities, guaranteeing the improvement of their competencies, in order to consolidate a human team that facilitates the operation of our allies on a continuous basis.
  • To have adequate equipment and infrastructure to guarantee the quality of the product.
  • Select suppliers that meet the defined standards to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Consolidate our social intervention strategies.

This policy is part of the company’s management policies and will be reviewed annually and communicated to all employees.


Bogotá, April 03 de 2022

Miguel Adolfo Ramírez Rojas
CEO and Founder

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